drone - Philippinee.com https://philippinee.com The most beautiful places to visit in Philippines! Tue, 24 Sep 2024 17:55:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://philippinee.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/cropped-download-32x32.png drone - Philippinee.com https://philippinee.com 32 32 Manila, Philippines in 4K ULTRA HD 60FPS by Drone https://philippinee.com/manila-philippines-in-4k-ultra-hd-60fps-by-drone/ https://philippinee.com/manila-philippines-in-4k-ultra-hd-60fps-by-drone/#comments Tue, 24 Sep 2024 17:06:00 +0000 https://philippinee.com/manila-philippines-in-4k-ultra-hd-60fps-by-drone/ Kamusta and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Manila, capital of Philippines, in 8K UHD resolution! Manila, Philippines 4K ULTRA HD 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Please Keep Supporting us guys!!!! Make sure to Subscribe with Bell turned on & don’t miss out on New Videos! #Manila #Philippines #Manila4k #Philippines4k #Manila8k …

The post Manila, Philippines in 4K ULTRA HD 60FPS by Drone first appeared on Philippinee.com.


Kamusta and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Manila, capital of Philippines, in 8K UHD resolution! Manila, Philippines 4K ULTRA HD 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage

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#Manila #Philippines #Manila4k #Philippines4k #Manila8k #Philippines8k #DroneFootage #Droneshots #4kVideo

This video was created for educational, entertainment, and informative purposes.

To Make this video in 8K UHD whole footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us. The result is a more realistic and natural image with richer colors.

To watch this video in real HDR, you should use a 4K Television set. If you have a HDR TV, you’ll find your TV automatically switches to an HDR mode when playing HDR content. If not, switch the TV to HDR manually. Also, the latest smartphones can play HDR videos.This technology improves video image quality by expanding the contrast ratio and color range.

The post Manila, Philippines in 4K ULTRA HD 60FPS by Drone first appeared on Philippinee.com.

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What to do in Puerto Princesa : Tagkawayan beach – Best destination in Palawan Philippines l drone https://philippinee.com/what-to-do-in-puerto-princesa-tagkawayan-beach-best-destination-in-palawan-philippines-l-drone/ https://philippinee.com/what-to-do-in-puerto-princesa-tagkawayan-beach-best-destination-in-palawan-philippines-l-drone/#comments Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:13:43 +0000 https://philippinee.com/what-to-do-in-puerto-princesa-tagkawayan-beach-best-destination-in-palawan-philippines-l-drone/ When the storm hit the shore. What to do in Puerto Princesa area ? Tagkawayan beach – One of the best destination in Palawan. Tagkawayan beach about an hour away from Puerto Princesa’s city proper, this beach is underdeveloped and is best for camping and spacing out in the sound of waves. Spanning about 700 …

The post What to do in Puerto Princesa : Tagkawayan beach – Best destination in Palawan Philippines l drone first appeared on Philippinee.com.


When the storm hit the shore.

What to do in Puerto Princesa area ? Tagkawayan beach – One of the best destination in Palawan.
Tagkawayan beach about an hour away from Puerto Princesa’s city proper, this beach is underdeveloped and is best for camping and spacing out in the sound of waves. Spanning about 700 meters, it has fine, mocha-brown sand and feels a bit remote. During Amihan Season between November and March, the waves are so strong that they bring stones ashore on one side of the beach. The beach can be found along Simpocan Road in Barangay Simpocan

Palawan holds incredibly beautiful natural seascapes and landscapes. One of the most biodiverse (terrestrial and marine) islands in the Philippines. The island has had a Biosphere Reserve status since early 1990s.

#elnido #coron #portbarton #sanvincente #tagkawayan #sabangundergroundriver #nagtabon #simpocan #napsan #palawan #philippines #island #drone #nature #biospherereserve

 Music : Niya – A Beginning

The post What to do in Puerto Princesa : Tagkawayan beach – Best destination in Palawan Philippines l drone first appeared on Philippinee.com.

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