Davao City

Tour Top 10 Local Spots, The Ultimate Davao Food

The Ultimate Davao Food Trip with Bogart and Zoe. Vlog 163


  1. Bulcachong is decent balbacua as a hangover food. BUT I wouldn't go out of my way just to eat there. I'd recommend first and foremost Encars (Agdao Public Market), second would be Cha-Cha (Diversion Rd. near COA). Then even rating for me is Paz Eatery (Bankerohan Public Mkt.), Sana's (Quimpo Blvd.) and Dahlia's (Diversion Rd. near Matina Pangi) which also includes their all-time favorite Soup No. 5. There used to be Tia Pia's but unfortunately I can't find them anymore.

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